Koneet kotona
Tässä istun jälleen. Joo, koneet ovat kotona. Acer on kaapissa ja HP pöydällä. Onneksi tarkistutin molemmat. Molemmissa oli tarvetta putsaukselle silloin aiemmin tänä vuonna. Huh heijaa!
C3 on ollut onneksi nätisti.
Koronan luvut ne vaan jatkavat nousuaan. Saattaa tulla vielä uusi sulku. No, katsotaan miten käy. Onneksi olen itse vielä oireeton.
Here I am again.
I'll write again soon. My car is fine. My computers are fine. HP is on my desk. Acer is in the closet. I am glad I asked that Computer Man to check them. Even this one had viruses. I am relieved I did it. HP got rid of them.
Here I am again.
I'll write again soon. My car is fine. My computers are fine. HP is on my desk. Acer is in the closet. I am glad I asked that Computer Man to check them. Even this one had viruses. I am relieved I did it. HP got rid of them.
Corona virus numbers keep climbing up. I do not know how long this lasts. I have decided to take it easy with this whole thing.
I'll write again soon .
What do you want to do ?
New mailTunnisteet: Elämää vain / Just life
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