Nettihuolet jatkuvat - Net worries keep going
Luulen, että modeemini on rikki. Tietokoneessani on kyllä muutakin vikaa. En jaksaisi alkaa pakata tietokonettani juuri nyt, ja lähteä liikkeeseen testaamaan sitä. En todella jaksaisi enää tänään.
Myöhemmin selvisi, ettei modeemi olekaan rikki, ja netissä roikkuminen jatkuu.
I think the modem of my computer is broken. I don’t have much time left. Norton should be updated. I need my modem for that, so I think I have to go and buy a new one. The modem I use is external. It is easy to use and easy to see, if it is okay or not. Last night it was okay, and now it seems to be broken. It may be, that the very important 4th light is just broken…but because the connection won’t be there, no matter how long I wait, it probably is the fact that my modem is broken. I have no energy to go anywhere today. I think I need some rest. Maybe I go and buy a new modem after that.
After waiting some time I noticed the modem was fine after all, so I am not going to buy a new modem.
Näyttää siltä, että netti on ja pysyy poikki. No, minkäs teet. Modeemi irti vaan, ja odotellaan, josko netti ennen iltaa tulisi takaisin. Vaikka kuka sen tietää vaikka tässä olisi puolen vuoden nettilakko edessä.
Edit myöhemmin aamulla: WOOHOOO! TOIMII!
It seems that my net connection is broken. Well, there is nothing I can do about it. I can only unplug the modem and wait, if the connection comes back before midnight. But it probably won’t come back. It may last as long as 6 months.
Edit later during the same day: WOOHOOOO! IT IS BACK!
Tunnisteet: Nettihuolia - Worrying about my connections