Kyllä kannatti! / It was worth it
Tässä istun jälleen. HP tuli viime to kotiin. Oli se hyvä, että käytin sen huollossa. Vaistoni oli oikeassa. Siellä oli haittaohjelmia myös. Mutta nyt ne on putsattu pois. Se on hyvä.
Joo. Yksi tuttuni on ottanut ja tahtonut elokuussa. Pitänee tehdä taas hänellekin lahja. Ajattelin, että teen ihan pienen vain. Minulla on onneksi mistä ottaa. Ne pienetkin lahjat vievät silti oman aikansa, että ne saa tehdyiksi.
Here I am again. HP came home last Thursday. I am glad I let the true pro computer man check it out. They were there! The bad programs were there! I knew it! Old good instinct! I can't describe it any better.
Here I am again. HP came home last Thursday. I am glad I let the true pro computer man check it out. They were there! The bad programs were there! I knew it! Old good instinct! I can't describe it any better.
A friend of mine has said "I do!" this August. I guess I must stitch her a little present. Just a little one. I have just the thing. I will stitch it soon, I hope. My hands are pretty full with my other presents, but a little wedding present won't take long.
I'll write again soon.
I'll write again soon.
What do you want to do ?
New mailTunnisteet: Elämää vain / Just life